Monday, February 20, 2017


Memories flood in of how I didn’t like to answer the phone (still don’t, ha!) & I’d get told that everyone else in the family wasn’t able to get to the phone (in the bathroom, not at the house, etc.), so I’d need to answer it soon after it began ringing. If I didn’t (ten + plus rings later), then the caller would assume no one was there & we’d miss the call.

I was so bummed & uncomfortable. The phone was so foreign to me. How would I ever manage? Serves me right. These days, no one calls me. Really. My phone doesn’t ring. If it does ring it’s the spam caller from Windows to tell me I’ve a problem on my computer. Yada, yada, yada… I’ve added them as a contact to simplify dismissing them.

There are a few people I know who can still appreciate an actual phone conversation & even enjoy (I think?! 😁) them with me. Since upgrading from a flip phone, something I found very difficult to do…I had the super old-fashioned type for so long, the kind that is always “open”, basically a smartphone without the data & without the rectangular shape of a smartphone. When I did upgrade to a flip phone, I loved it. The phone was in the shape of a receiver; somewhat curved to my face. It made so much sense. Sadly, by the time I got to being a flip phone user, most mobile phone users were already beyond the flip phone; they just gave me the sad smile look over my excitement & continued on their way.

Then I became convinced to move on too. I began using *data* (read that sing-songy). It was somewhere years into my smartphone usage when I took notice of the length of my outbound phone calls. Seems the tiny number of those I did find myself chatting with on the phone, I conversed with for more than just a few minutes. Holding a rectangularly shaped object up to my face for these engagements wasn’t cutting it.

Ever the old-schooler, I decided to consider an “old-fashioned” option. Enter a detachable receiver. Whenever I’m about to phone someone with whom I’m likely to chat for more than a moment, I attach my receiver (coil & all) first. It attaches just the same as earbuds into a phone, or musical device (my first instinct was to share a Walkman analogy! 😂) Best of all, for me at least, this receiver is available in blue! It’s a win-win for me.

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